Monday, March 30, 2009

a pretty good week!

well i have been walking a lot the past week so i am pretty happy about that! i have not lost any weight i am still at 150 but i have lost 2 inches on my waist oh yeah!!

so here's my stats

weight: 150
waist: 34 inches
hips: 38 inches
thighs: 20 inches
arms: 11 inches

Monday, March 23, 2009

i had an ok week..

well i worked out 3 times on the elliptical and i walked Cody to school about 3 days it was to windy the other days! my weight is at an all time freaking high 150!!! so i will try to work out at least 4 times this week on the elliptical and try to cut back on the soda! i have no measurements this week cause i lost my measuring tape so maybe next week!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

i worked out!

OK i just have to brag on myself today i WORKED OUT!!!!! OK OK you are thinking why do you have to brag huh??!! well its cause i have not worked out for real in like weeks i have walked to get cody from school and did mini workouts but today i worked out for 25 minutes on the elliptical and it felt awesome i am gonna download a bunch of good music in a little bit on my ipod cause it was cool listen to the ipod on my elliptical i am really glad i got one with speakers cause headphones are a no go with little kids!! i have no stats today but I'll get the up next week ;) later guys!

Thursday, March 12, 2009


so i guess i have not been keeping up with this blog yet again my bad... i think its cause i have not been working out and pretty much just decided to just get fat and be happy lol ok ok that's not true and today i realized that i have to start working out cause my fat jeans i bought last month are getting way to snug and that's really uncool so starting today yes today not tomorrow i am gonna work out on the elliptical that's been used like 4 times total lol for at least 30 minutes straight and i do not care how hard it is or how much i feel like i am gonna die the other couple times i used it i felt like i was gonna just die after 5-10 minutes (5 minutes lol) so i have to do this for my health and happiness cause i am not happy at the size of my belly and its gotta go now is the time i am still not gonna go on a diet for now i am gonna try to get it off by working out alone and hopefully that will be good enough but if not i will give dieting a go but i really hope i don't have to take it that far!! wish me luck guys I'm be back Monday with stats ;)